Thursday, January 13, 2011

Life, the universe, and everything..

Some may think, I have had a lot of time to ponder while out upon the open road. While I theorized before leaving on this trip, such occasions are perfect opportunities for rational introspection. With many minutes to ponder and disect the unkowns of life.
The more I think of my education, my schooling, my academic college experience, the more I feel like it’s just plan B. Like becoming an engineer is what I’ll do if I can’t find something I truely enjoy. However, this is not to say that I don’t believe I’d make a good engineer – I’m sure I’d be more than capable of handling whatever might be thrown at me – I just don’t want to spend my life sitting in a cube, wasting away my life under the dull shadow of flourescent lights.
Given any reasonable timeline a human life is a dot. That’s it. It doesn’t span generations (obviously) or evolutionary leaps. Our lives are simply such a short departure from the alternative that I don’t believe we have enough time to fuck around. Every moment counts. I don’t want to look back on my life and remember all the things I wish I’d done. I don’t want to live in regret.
And what would I like to do? Everything. Nothing. I’d like to experience a variety of occupations, and live in a variety of places. How I’d like to spend a year as a truck driver, and then spend a year living in Austria. Then I'd enjoy to be a cop, a climbing instructor, a painter. I want to travel the world, write books, take pictures. Race cars and bikes. Teach. Ponder. Glide
Problem is that jumping around from job to job, state to state, country to country, etc.  has its drawbacks. No job security. No foundation. Slightly too chaotic. I need some kind of footing to fall back on, a reference point in life. So where do I go from here?
As I see it, the first step would be to establish a lifestyle substructure. Perhaps owning my own company, and building it up to the point where I could telecommute. Ideally something that I’d enjoy, something exciting and different. Operating a track-day business comes to my mind, but there are a plethora of ‘what-if’s’ and contingent factors. However, if ultimately viable and successful, that would be great.
Where I go from here is clearly up to me. I will finish my sentence at Santa Clara and probably get some entry-level engineering position to fill the time. Hopefully not for long. I don’t want to become a wage slave, a design zombie. I’ll need to take the initiative and work towards my ultimate goal, whatever that may be. The golden opportunities aren’t found, they’re made with blood and sweat.
Today’s ramblings are the genesis of tomorrow’s actions. In the words of T.E. Lawrence, “The dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, and make it possible.” This is something I read to myself all the time.


  1. Dear Mr. CondomJellySandwich,(what is that, please send a detailed explanation to
    I'd like to point out a few of the incongruencies that stand out to me in your essay. The lack of substance is obvious due to the over elaborate pseudo philosophical writing style having to compensate with filler, but thats not fair, thats just "your" writing style, but just humor me.

    In order of appearance(stupidity).

    - The unknowns of life can not be pondered and or dissected because they're unknown, even to you. The only known thing about the unknown is that its unknowable.

    - Education, schooling and academics are all the same thing.(eg. Doctor, physician and practitioner), this is filler, yes three words take up more space than one.

    - Florescent lights don't leave a shadow, you do. Any object that does not allows light to pass through will form a shadow.

    - I have an issue with this one. "Our lives are simply such a short departure from the alternative that I don’t believe we have enough time to fuck around."
    What the hell does this even mean?
    I think I can speak for the group, but our lives are not simple(we complicate them).
    A short departure from what! Whats the alternative, a long departure?
    Critical thinking exercise. Define short departure.

    There were a few more things, but I didn't want to knit pick.

    By the way I love the quote at the end.

    Failure doesn't mean you are a failure... it just means you haven't succeeded yet.
    ~Robert Schuller

