Thursday, January 20, 2011

How To Condom Jelly Sandwich

Fellow /b/tards, I present to you an OC conspiracy theory.
The American occupation of Afghanistan has nothing to do with terrorism, Osama, or protecting our 'freedoms.'

Rather, it is a covert attempt to control the Afghani opium industry, worth an estimated $60 bilion.

Pre 9/11, the Taliban had nearly eradicated poppy cultivation. The US government, in their overthrow of the old regime,collaborated with Afghani warlords who control the poppy industry, Now, production is greater than ever, with over 90% of illicit opiates originating in Afghanistan. 

How can a region occupied with tens of thousands of US troops be producing so much illegal narcotics, given the Americans aggressive anti-drug stance (spraying pesticides on numerous producer countries and supplying them with military hardware for 'eradication programs?')

The logical answer is that the American government is profiting immensely from the drug trade. It is a fact that the CIA used cocaine revenue to generate funds for covert wars in Central America in the 80's, less well known is the allegations of CIA complicity in the opium business during the Russian invasion of Afghanistan in '79.

So, /b/, is the American occupation of Afghanistan an attempt to control and profit from the biggest drug exporting nation in the world? 

(For you stonerfags, they are also the worlds biggest hash producer. I was too lazy to look up numbers, but it's probably safe to say the nation produces 100 billion worth of dope each year.)

Tl;DR, the US is waging war to control the world's drug supply while hypocritically imprisoning users.

Discuss, /b/


  1. Check out a documentary called The Clinton Chronicles. It talks about how he would smuggle cocaine into the US in the late 70's through the mid 80's. He even had a specially build plane with bomb bey doors to dump the cargo in flight, in case the law found out.

  2. .... and also check out a clip online called, The video Hilary Clinton doesn't want you to see(something along those lines). Stan Lee, the creator of Spider man and X Men is in it.

  3. How do you know we're /b/tards?! LOL and this is fascinating. I never figured that their purpose there was to cultivate drugs. I guess it could be that because THERE IS NO OTHER FUCKING REASON TO BE THERE. Geez... Good point sir. Lets go make some hash.

  4. That's definitely an interesting viewpoint.

  5. But how can we drug when drugs are illegal, lol.
